This is the same workout report that is included in the complete Digest sold on line and in the hard copy edition sold on track, in newstands, and OTB’s throughout the west coast. The basic workout report gives you all of the workouts we have from the last 30 days for the horses running in today’s race. Today’s Racing Digest has experienced clockers at each of the major tracks in Southern California, and exceptional as well as poor works are noted daily in our workout report.
#Drf clocker professional
Many of the top trainers, owners, professional and recreational handicappers and jockeys use the workout reports on a daily basis to help them get inside information on other horses running in the race. Today’s Racing Digest’s workout reports aren’t just for the handicapper. The Digest workout reports are exclusive to Today’s Racing Digest which means you will have information that most of the betting public won’t have which will help you uncover hidden value and identify false favorites. The workout reports can also give you additional insight when looking at unstarted Maidens, imports, lightly raced horses and comebackers. Past performances can certainly tell you how a horse ran in previous races but just as important is how they have been training. What say ye now?: : What the heck, time only matters when your in jail.One of the best reasons to use Today’s Racing Digest’s workout reports is they will give you a better view of the current fitness and ability of the horse’s you are considering wagering on or against. : : Uhhh, if the clock was tripped early, it's a bit 'fantastic' to suggest that only the InTeRnAls were affected.
#Drf clocker full
The margin of error in some cases is more than a full second.: :. But independent clocker Toby Callet, who along with colleague James Escarcega worked long hours with officials to clarify the problem, said that times for "at least that many" races needed to be corrected, including some route events. : : Sellitto estimated that some 20 to 30 races, all from six to seven furlongs, were affected. : : Wade's repeated errors apparently occurred when he pushed a button soon after the break, effectively overriding the system and prematurely tripping the timing process. 20th figs? Dirk: : : We have our own clocker, and most of the problems concerned internal fractions, not final times. : : : : : Jerry: Does the situation regarding the problems of the innacurate race times (pre January 20th?) at Gulfstream Park (as reported by Andy Beyer and others) effect the making of your sheets numbers? Do you clock your own times? Should we be concerned about Thorograph's pre- Jan. Should be given "the odds are crazy" to read while he's doing time The guy that doesn't think 3/5's is a big deal : What the heck, time only matters when your in jail. : Uhhh, if the clock was tripped early, it's a bit 'fantastic' to suggest that only the InTeRnAls were affected. The margin of error in some cases is more than a full second. : Sellitto estimated that some 20 to 30 races, all from six to seven furlongs, were affected. : Wade's repeated errors apparently occurred when he pushed a button soon after the break, effectively overriding the system and prematurely tripping the timing process. : : We have our own clocker, and most of the problems concerned internal fractions, not final times. : : : Jerry: Does the situation regarding the problems of the innacurate race times (pre January 20th?) at Gulfstream Park (as reported by Andy Beyer and others) effect the making of your sheets numbers? Do you clock your own times? Should we be concerned about Thorograph's pre- Jan. Free Race-of-the-Day video analysis & PPs, DRF Bets Gameplan Play-of-the-Day, all the latest racing news and more.
#Drf clocker free
In Reply to: Re: Fast Times At GP?-TG Response posted by Edward Dismay on Februat 19:48:39: Clocker Reports DRF Picks More Get our free Newsletter, DRF Morning Line.