Spark: Tip or Shaft slot Crit Mod that shocks an enemy on a critical hit and can chain to others nearby.
Here are the best weapon mods in Dying Light 2 in no particular order: While a lot of Dying Light 2 mods perform well and generally increase your weapon’s damage by a substantial amount when they activate, there are a few that we’d recommend you try as they proved to be particularly effective. Blast Mods: these mods can be manually activated but have a cooldown time before they can be used again.You can only perform such attacks if you have the relevant Combat Skill unlocked. Power Mods: these mods need to be fully charged by hitting enemies and can then be activated with a Power Attack.There are Tip and Shaft Crit Mods available. Crit Mods: the effects of these mods are activated on a Critical Hit which has a random chance of happening when you strike an enemy.There are also several flavors of Dying Light 2 weapon mods that fit into these attachment slots: There’s also a bonus fourth slot for Charms, although those are purely cosmetic. However, not all weapons have access to all slots, so you’ll be able to fully kit out only the best Unique and Artifact weapons. Grip mods focus on enhancing a weapon by increasing its damage or increasing the rate at which it deteriorates. Functionally, the Tip and Shaft slots don’t have any particular traits other than to organise weapon mods and limit the combinations. Once a mod has been applied to a slot, it cannot be changed or removed.ĭying Light 2 weapon mods are broken down into three different attachment slots: Tip, Shaft, and Grip. You’ll need to make sure you meet the material cost to actually apply the mod, however. Press Y/Triangle to open the mod menu, and you’ll be able to select a mods for every available slot on your weapon from the list of mods you have unlocked. Once you’ve bought a mod, you can apply it to a weapon by opening your inventory and hovering the cursor over the weapon that you want to modify. Enjoy them while they last and always be on the lookout for higher-damage replacements. You might want to save an Artifact weapon that you found early in the game, but you’ll quickly find that it gets outclassed in damage by lower-tier weaponry. If you find something you like, don’t get too attached and don’t be afraid to use it. It’s important to know that there isn’t a proper system for fully repairing and levelling weapons, although there are some things that can be done to repair weapons in Dying Light 2. Artifact/Gold: Best durability with up to three weapon mod slots and three stat bonuses.Unique/Purple: Very high durability with up to three weapon mod slots and two stat bonuses.Rare/Blue: High durability with up to two mod slots and one stat bonus.Here’s how each weapon rarity tier differs: Traders at major faction structures also offer a selection of decent weaponry for you to buy that improves in damage and rarity as you level up, although the weapons can be quite expensive. You’ll sometimes be able to find the top-tier Artifact rarity weapons in the big, dark-green containers found around Villedor, particularly in Military Convoys. As you progress through the story and level up, you’ll find that your weapons quickly improve in damage, and more gradually improve in durability and rarity.