Digital signal output of weather data and additional display units (slave units) can be added as options.“Relative to true, instantaneous wind speed and average wind speed value” “Temperature (air temperature / water temperature) and course” “Humidity and ship speed” “Current pressure and pressure value before 30 minutes” (returns to current value after 7 seconds) display Is possible. Each weather value can be switched with a single touch using the remote control.Signals can be input to a personal computer to display, save, and generate reports on weather data.In addition to the wind class, wind direction, and wind speed, the course, ship speed, temperature, barometric pressure, water temperature, and humidity can be displayed on the 1 platform.A digital visual representation of the analog gauge, the true wind direction wind speed value is displayed in orange, and the course of the ship is displayed in green LEDs, making it easy to see the relationship between the ship and the wind at a glance.The true Wind Speed and Direction meter MM-31 has other weather indicators (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, water temperature) added to make it a meteorological meter.Ideal for meteorological observation of small and medium-sized vessels. STC (Sensitivity Time Control Function) Decreases the signal sensitivity.It is possible to produce the optimum visual effect.CFAR (Automatic Clutter Removal Function) Reduces the range dependence of the target.You can give the same sensitivity to all targets on the same scale.Scan Average The signal that is removed as noise by general radar is processed by the averaging algorithm.Therefore, it enables the detection of very small and slowly moving targets.Pulse filter A function that eliminates the interference of two radars and eliminates noise.Improves sensitivity and tracking capabilities.
Ice radar and wave height radar can be used not only independently, but also by launching different software on the same system and switching screens.We have successfully tested using a scan radar with 120 rotations per minute.Can interface with most marine radars, and small target detection is better than general commercial radar.Explore small drifting objects such as fishing boats, life rafts, buoys and humans on the sea.