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Story and the Common Man Brand_Robins 156. Collective worldbuilding techniques Jeph 155. Shab-al-Hiri Roach: The Motion Picture Jason_Morningstar 154. Actual Play as Testimonial Rob Donoghue 153.


Setting/System Disconnects, and How To Fix Them Josh Roby 152. Ron's Clarifying Threads on "Brain Damage" DevP 147. Technical Agenda Applied: LARP and Immersion Adam Cerling 146. Encumbrance Penalties for Your Emotional Baggage J_Walton 143. I was playing a good game, and then, BOOM, WTF? Albert A 141. What is your Favorite Old Game? chadu 139. Review Copies as Marketing Jason_Morningstar 136. Edgenet February Catalogue Mark_Causey 134. Multiple session games: teh suck, or merely teh misunderstood? DevP 129. What's with the funky punctuation in game titles? Adam_Dray 128. Your personal rant goes here bankuei 127. Has It Been Done - Rummy as Resolution System Josh Roby 120. Cool Moment Roundup Jason_Morningstar 116. Underkoffler's Overview Round-up chadu 115. Katsucon (Washington, DC *** Feb 17-19) Adam_Dray 114. Podcasts, Video Podcasts, and Game Design NathanHill 109.

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Superheroes: Sans Reference to DCU/MU chadu 108. Cool Powers as Gamist Flags Linnaeus 106. Dice: Resolving by "hand" Levi Kornelsen 104. The Other Indie Games (and a TRUTH & JUSTICE Sales Coupon) chadu 103. You Post Flags and We Post Situations thread on Judd 102. So, What New Game is Next on your Plate to Play/Run? Andy 101. Dice Mechanics and their Effect on Play chadu 99. And just to illustrate I _can_ lighten up. Amping up the story qualities of the Agendas Eric Provost 97. The Ring, The Wall, Silent Hill, Dazed and Confused, and well. PTA: Life on Mars, with rough sound file Judd 94. Attention Mountain Witches Jason_Morningstar 90. Lookin' for a little brainstormin' Eric Provost 87. Structured Co-Ownership Levi Kornelsen 81. Splitting BIG games into Little games Andy 79. Ronnies-play February in the SF Bay Area Gordon 78. A response to the Czege principle? timfire 76.

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In Preparation for Actual Play Mark_Causey 74.


PDF readers make my nipples swell Andy 71. Why I design games without playing games Adam_Dray 69. Intimacy and gaming (started at the Forge) Green 68. Where can I find web space to post my games? Green 66. Dramatikos: Anything I overlooked? Green 61. Nine Worlds actual play via audio! Matt Snyder 60. Running a game for non-gamers! Alex F 58.

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Guardians of Order's Role-Playing Game Manifesto Adam_Dray 54. What can RPGs learn from MMOs? Mike_Holmes 53. Drowning and Falling, first draft Jason_Morningstar 52. I made this game, but what am I saying? DevP 47. Ninegun Choir: Graphical Character Sheets shreyas 45. A Theory of Fun for Game Design Iskander 42. Letter substitution wierdness Iskander 40. Wikipedia - Storytelling game ricmadeira 39. Threaded and Overlapping Narratives Jason_Morningstar 36. Tarot-Based Games: Creating Something New Andy 34. What are you cooking/burning/letting simmer? Mark_Causey 31. Getting some Bliss Stage on Ben_Lehman 29. A new approach to a World War Two RPG Mike Montesa 27. How do I become a 'good' GM? urbanpagan 26. Ah, but what can Modern RPGs learn from MMOs? Andy 25. What can MMOs learn from modern RPGS? Rob Donoghue 23. Fantasy Hearbreaker, Holy Grail, Reward Cycles Jeph 21. Indie: Why do some games sell more than others? Andy 20. Doing Quotations and Editing Your Posts Andy 19. What historical games have done it right? Rob Donoghue 18. Mindshare: Can it be pushed or must it be pulled? chadu 13. The Rules and Purpose of Story Games Story_Games 5.

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